EOP Combination and Analysis Center

EOP Combination and Analysis Center  (EOP CAC)  of the Main Merological Center of the State Service for Time, Frequency and Earth rotation parameters (MMC SSTF) provides the functioning of MMC SSTF as EOP combination and analysis center.

State Service for Time, Frequency and Earth orientation parameters  (SSTF)  is permanently functioning system of Russian facilities and organization incorporated in common scientific, technical and metrological activity, which includes continuous reproduction, keeping and dissemenation of the precise values of time and frequency, national time scale UTC (SU)  as well as combination and dissemenation SSTF EOP.

Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (ROSSTANDART) is responcible of SSTF activity.

The Main Merological Center of the State Service for Time, Frequency and Earth rotation parameters (MMC SSTF) - structure unit of the SSTF which is responcible of science, methodical and operative providing of SSTF activity.

This MMC SSTF activity has been charged by governmental decree №225 which aproved the provision "About State Service for Time, Frequency and Earth rotation parameters".

Nowdays, the role of MMC SSTF plays research division №7 (RD-7) of federal state unitary enterprise "National research institute of physicotechnical and radio engineering measurements" (FSUE "VNIIFTRI").





No leap second will be introduced in UTC(SU) at the end of June 2025.


According to Bulletin C №69 of International Earth Rotation Service and reference systems (IERS), no leap second will be introduced at the end of June 2025 in national realization of the scales of Coordinated Universal Time UTC(SU) and the International Atomic Time TAI(SU).

The last time when leap second was introduced in UTC(SU) and TAI(SU) time scales was at night from December 31, 2016 to January 1, 2017.

MMC SSTF, Mendeleevo, Moscow reg.